Assortment of classes for your learning and exploring pleasure!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Chinese Collage Class with Caterina

Sat. April 21,
1-3:30 pm
Cost $90-

Part of the challenge of mixed media is to find a way to incorporate different elements and bring them together in a cohesive way. When an artist accomplishes this task, the work looks as though it had always been seemlessly united.
Chinese collage is the art of using a simple press to unify and blend layers together. The result is an old world look that fascinates the eye and holds the viewers attention.
Join Caterina for a Saturday afternoon of fun pressing collage and making tryptichs and dyptichs that you will will make finished collages as well as pieces that can be incorporated onto a larger canvas or used for book work. Prepare for fun as we turn a simple pasta machine into an art tool!

Your Tool Box
paper epemera, images & scrap
tissue papers, gold foils, paper bits, stamps
a couple of brushes, paint
optional: pasta machine
*note all supplies can be purchased at the creative underground with the exception of the pasta machines!

My Tool Box
pasta machines
gel mediums
paper ephemera


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